Sarah Piffert

Customer Services & Planning - Pharma at Kuehne+Nagel - Schindellegi, Schwyz, CH

Sarah Piffert's Contact Details
+41 44 786 95 11
Geel, Flemish Region, Belgium
Sarah Piffert's Company Details
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Schindellegi, Schwyz, CH • 46374 Employees

With over 80,000 employees at almost 1,300 sites in close to 100 countries, the Kuehne+Nagel Group is one of the world's leading logistics providers. Headquartered in Switzerland, Kuehne+Nagel is listed in the Swiss blue-chip stock market index, the SMI. The Group is the global number 1 in air and sea logistics and has strong market positions in road and contract logistics. Kuehne+Nagel is the logistics partner of choice for 400,000 customers worldwide. Using its global network, logistics expertise and data-based insights, the Group provides end-to-end supply chain solutions for global companies and industries. As a member of the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi), Kuehne+Nagel is committed to sustainable logistics by reducing its own environmental footprint and by supporting its customers with low-carbon logistics solutions.

International Logistics End To End Solutions Global Logistics Services Sustainable Logistics Global Supply Chain Solutions Worldwide Logistics
Details about Kuehne+Nagel
Frequently Asked Questions about Sarah Piffert
Sarah Piffert currently works for Kuehne+Nagel.
Sarah Piffert's role at Kuehne+Nagel is Customer Services & Planning - Pharma.
Sarah Piffert's email address is *** To view Sarah Piffert's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Sarah Piffert works in the Warehousing/Logistics industry.
Sarah Piffert's colleagues at Kuehne+Nagel are Mathilde Hébrans, Jacques Depuydt, Olivia Bernard, Jessica Dillen, Stijn Demuynck, Steven Graeve, Jeremy Swales and others.
Sarah Piffert's phone number is +41 44 786 95 11
See more information about Sarah Piffert