Sarah Webber

Customer Service Representative at Super Duper Publications - Wade Hampton, SC, US

Sarah Webber's Contact Details
United States
Super Duper Publications
Sarah Webber's Company Details
Super Duper Publications logo, Super Duper Publications contact details

Super Duper Publications

Wade Hampton, SC, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Super Duper Publications creates, develops, publishes, and sells K-12 supplemental educational materials; RTI programs; e-Learning software; mobile applications; interactive software; assessments; print books, games, card decks and magnetics; equipment; and supplies. We have a special emphasis on materials for children with special needs and language delays. Our line of materials includes the award-winning HearBuilder® Educational Software; RTI programs such as Language LAB®, START-IN® for Reading, and ARtIC LAB®; Super Duper Data Tracker App; Jeepers Peepers® Questions Game; MagneTalk® Language Games; Super Duper Fun Decks®; Chipper Chat® Magnetic Chip Games; and Webber® Articulation and Language Books, Card Decks, and Games.We also provide hundreds of FREE educational Handy Handouts® (informational newsletters for parents and educators) at, and offer free CEU courses for speech-language pathologists.Thomas and Sharon Webber founded Super Duper in 1986. We strive daily to bring creative, unique, research-based, easy-to-understand, bright, and cheerful educational products to children and the young at heart all around the world.

RTI Programs K-12 Educational Supplemental Materials - Award-winning Software Assessments Card Decks Games Reproducible Books Supplies and Equipment Educational Mobile Apps e-Learning Software Occupational Therapy Dysfluency Early Skills Grammar and Syntax SLP Tools and Resources Social Skills Articulation Educational Board Games Spanish Critical Thinking and Inferencing Autism Auditory Processing Publishing Periodicals
Details about Super Duper Publications
Frequently Asked Questions about Sarah Webber
Sarah Webber currently works for Super Duper Publications.
Sarah Webber's role at Super Duper Publications is Customer Service Representative.
Sarah Webber's email address is *** To view Sarah Webber's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Sarah Webber works in the Publishing industry.
Sarah Webber's colleagues at Super Duper Publications are Sharon Webber, Kevin Cothran, Sangeun Lee, Michelle Ostrow, Travis Ford, Michael Flynn, Shelley McFadin and others.
Sarah Webber's phone number is 864-284-4510
See more information about Sarah Webber