Uul Province, Mongolia - Student at Mandakh University - Ulaanbaatar, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Vice President, Associate Professor, Doctor (Ph.D)
MANDAKH UNIVERSITY provides training in the areas of accounting and information technology. Our institute was accredited first in 1999 and for the advanced level in 2005. MANDAKH UNIVERSITY was selected as "Market Leader" (2007) and "Organization with top management" (2012) by the criterion of the Mongolian Marketing Association and Mongolian Management Association respectively. MANDAKH UNIVERSITY is certified as "Best School" in a public survey among institutes and universities and as a "School with Good Employment" by the Mongolian Employer Association. These successes attest that our institute provides qualitative training.Today, over 2000 students attend full time and extramural courses. Over 90 lecturers work to academic training. Our teaching staff consists of highly skilled and experienced colleagues including 2 Honored teachers, 14 Doctors and Professors, 14 Certified Public Accountants, 10 Best Educators, 11 Top Accountants in Finance sector and 12 Doctoral Candidates. The lecturers of our institute have been joining in different projects and many of their research papers are presented in domestic and international conferences. Moreover, the textbooks and some guidelines created by our teachers and lecturers are widely used in other universities. Our faculties obtained above Master's Degree and gained greater knowledge successfully in education sector.Today, our colleagues are working to improve the quality of academic training and Scientific Research towards the international standard, to ensure success in the financial and accounting fields.We are proud of as being first accredited institute twice with Accounting Academic Program in 2006 and 2012.We hope, that everyone who turns to our institute will have greater satisfaction.