ACQSED Pro Consultation, a talent management house established in 2013 and had been a con-temporary player in training and consultancy market. Over 20 years of combined technological team experience has been put together to design training programs, workshops and seminars. We are known for our innovative way of presentation and dynamics to bring a new experience of training programs and seminars. Exclusive programs and workshops are developed to provide professional solutions for the next generation of leaders. We developed training programs, seminars & workshops according to the client's needs and requirement after a proper study. ACQSED, counts among its customers more than 30 of the top ranking company's in Malaysia. Besides holding the major part of designing sales and marketing coaching and develop leadership programs to financial institutions locally. We strive to reach our goal to step into the South East Asia market within 2017. We have established and developed more than 500 (& growing by numbers) minds through our motivational talks.