Sarthak Tyagi

Internship Trainee at Alankit Group - , Delhi, India

Sarthak Tyagi's Contact Details
["91-11-23552001","079-4906 9600/608","+91-97-17-858-585","+91 11 42541234","20190410-21","9837042333","+91 11 2354 1234","+91 9560686868","+91 11 23541234","+91 11 23552001","+91-9958606060","91-11-4254 1234/1960","+91-11-42541234","011 4254 1234","011-42541234","7290071335","011-41540028","022-40807000","+44 739 313 0501","+91 7290012338","+ 91-11-4254 1234","+91-11-42541620","+91-172-4312 500","+91 11 2673 8299","91-11 -42541234","011-4254 1933/992","011-42541964","+91-9560-686-868","+91-11-4254 1234 / 2354","91-11-41540028","01204027930","91 (11) 42541234","0141-2374535","(011) 4254 1967","9108755501234","0581-2551161","0581-2551164","+911142541234","(022) 28813379","011-42541621","080-40195700","011-42541956","+91 11 4254 1620","+91-(0)11-23541234","+91-11-42541201","+91 01142541159","(033) 23246526","1800-11-3300","+91 9717858585","+91-9582200551","+91-11-42541621-24"]
Alankit Group
Sarthak Tyagi's Company Details
Alankit Group logo, Alankit Group contact details

Alankit Group

, Delhi, India • 1001 - 5000 Employees

Alankit Group is a conglomerate of 10 Group companies with diversified activities into e-Governance, Financial Services, Health Care and Insurance. Alankit Assignments Ltd., the flagship company was incorporated in 1991 by a talented Visionary Entrepreneur, Mr. Alok Kumar Agarwal and made unhindered steady progress since then. The Group has its headquarter in Delhi with 24 Regional Offices in all the major cities of the country. The Group has also expanded its wings in the global arena with its 3 overseas offices at London, Singapore and Dubai. With a consistent expansion of Alankit's business, the Group has evolved from a largely Financial & Share Broking Company into a diversified Business House. Alankit has been named as "India's Leading Equity Broking House" during the years 2008 to 2012 in a row for its performance by "Dun & Bradstreet"​, the leading International Agency on Business Information and Risk Assessment. Also Awarded with ‘Maximum New Demat' Accounts generation in 2013 and for highest value of shares in Demat a/c for 2014.

Details about Alankit Group
Frequently Asked Questions about Sarthak Tyagi
Sarthak Tyagi currently works for Alankit Group.
Sarthak Tyagi's role at Alankit Group is Internship Trainee.
Sarthak Tyagi's email address is *** To view Sarthak Tyagi's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Sarthak Tyagi works in the Banking industry.
Sarthak Tyagi's colleagues at Alankit Group are Shadab Salmani, AZEEM AHMED, Priyanka Bhabhi, Arun Verma, Karandeep Singh, Abhishek Kumar, Shiva Delhi and others.
Sarthak Tyagi's phone number is ["91-11-23552001","079-4906 9600/608","+91-97-17-858-585","+91 11 42541234","20190410-21","9837042333","+91 11 2354 1234","+91 9560686868","+91 11 23541234","+91 11 23552001","+91-9958606060","91-11-4254 1234/1960","+91-11-42541234","011 4254 1234","011-42541234","7290071335","011-41540028","022-40807000","+44 739 313 0501","+91 7290012338","+ 91-11-4254 1234","+91-11-42541620","+91-172-4312 500","+91 11 2673 8299","91-11 -42541234","011-4254 1933/992","011-42541964","+91-9560-686-868","+91-11-4254 1234 / 2354","91-11-41540028","01204027930","91 (11) 42541234","0141-2374535","(011) 4254 1967","9108755501234","0581-2551161","0581-2551164","+911142541234","(022) 28813379","011-42541621","080-40195700","011-42541956","+91 11 4254 1620","+91-(0)11-23541234","+91-11-42541201","+91 01142541159","(033) 23246526","1800-11-3300","+91 9717858585","+91-9582200551","+91-11-42541621-24"]
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