Spark Beauty World is the leading chain of Salon and Spa in MysoreLet us ask you one question, how do you feel when you look in mirror on days you have not been at your best. Let's say when you are tired or frustrated with life or feel others have let you down. Now, the only person who can help you is – YOU.So, you may ask how can we help YOU? Well, we definitely want to help you.There are two ways where you can feel good about yourselves. One is our internal beauty. Normally, we we don't appreciates because we can't see. But, at Spark, we believe that everyone is beautiful from inside. So, that taken care of, let's look at the other. Which is our external beauty, which we and other's can see. Which brings immediate and instant impact in your personality.And how do we do that? First, by spending quality time with you. Our team is geared to help you by spending time to understand your needs, and then tailor the services required to bring out the beauty in you. You will look more confidant when you look at yourself in the mirror.