Saskia Newman

Senior Resident at Bruce Hall - Acton, ACT, AU

Saskia Newman's Contact Details
Canberra,Australian Capital Territory,Australia
Bruce Hall
Saskia Newman's Company Details
Bruce Hall logo, Bruce Hall contact details

Bruce Hall

Acton, ACT, AU • 20 - 49 Employees

Established in 1961, Bruce Hall is the Australian National University's first undergraduate residential college in Canberra, Australia. Located in Acton, the Hall prides itself in its rich history and vibrant culture.Bruce Hall has its own charter, coat of arms and motto 'Felix Qui Potuit Rerum Cognoscere Causas' - which translates to 'Happy is the person able to discover the reason for things.'This suggests one of the great traditions of Bruce Hall: that its residents strive for academic excellence and share a thirst for knowledge and understanding across disciplines and beyond their own subject areas.There is also a tradition of striving for excellence in sports and the arts, and for encouraging each resident to achieve their own personal best in all aspects of life.

Details about Bruce Hall
Frequently Asked Questions about Saskia Newman
Saskia Newman currently works for Bruce Hall.
Saskia Newman's role at Bruce Hall is Senior Resident.
Saskia Newman's email address is *** To view Saskia Newman's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Saskia Newman works in the Higher Education industry.
Saskia Newman's colleagues at Bruce Hall are Brooke Reuveny, Lara Leeuwen, Manett Gill, Eleanor George, Bianca Borzatti, Emily Horbach and others.
Saskia Newman's phone number is N/A
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