're happy to announce availability of Request Land in 190 countries. It's an app for purchase and sale remotely and safely even in the COVID-19 pandemic, and for economic recovery.Use it for free! at the above URL without installation.Unlike online-shops, you can use it to buy products or services that you want to discuss with shops as well. You can find shops and products easily by just writing, "I want something like..." on the map called Land map. Enjoy chat and video sessions with some shops to buy (with friends!). Sellers, search Land map for new customers.It works well when many people use it. Use invitation feature to invite friends.Spread this message as much as possible, please. Thanks for your cooperation.We hope you overcome the crisis and this helps for recovery. We are working and waiting for you at Land map! Dr. HIRANO Satoshi Mr. AIKAWA KazukiPeace and Passion, a social startup working for revitalizing local economies and resolving inequality based on AIST Japan and Tsukuba University.