Mishra Consulting offers a wide variety of business and management consultancy services across multiple markets including consumer electronics; video communications; gaming; mobile; TV; and PC industries, to help your company achieve its strategic and financial goals.In particular, we focus on early-stage ventures, whether as new start-ups or larger firms exploring new businesses. We assist with all aspects of business creation, from business development to fundraising, product marketing to market analysis. Our methodology allows us to provide a senior-management level, employee-like representation of our clients at a fraction of the overhead for full-time employees in similar roles.As a services company, Mishra Consulting does make itself available on smaller projects flexibly, based on typical consulting practices and billing models. With access to a number of resources across marketing, sales, fund-raising, event coordination, public relations, business evaluation, and corporate recruiting, we have the ability to support all business needs of our clients - we are all about Evolving Business and as such are always open to creative engagements.