We believe there is a better way of learning. We all come to work every day to solve the biggest problem of learning which is schools' failure to educate all students to mastery levels.We solve this problem by providing a personal Intelligent agent to tutor each learner on demand (any time, place and pace) using our customized individual learning plans to achieve their personal best. We also solve the problem of non availability of any robust software for home learners and parents by providing them with learning tools for individual and customized learning and a learning junction and marketplace for sharing and buying resources.VEDASYA LLC started in 2018, is an education technology company. Our core product VEDAJUCNTION is an intelligent software platform that provides each learner personalized learning using individual learning plans that empower them to learn at their own choice of time, place, pace, and on a customized learning path to help them attain Mastery and highest competency levels.Our mission is to enable all types of learners to have the facility of personalized and customized learning and help them attain Mastery in their desired areas. We also want to provide a marketplace where different learners, parents, authors, tutors, and teachers can create and share course resources.