Savannah Theis

Case Manager at DAIS (Domestic Abuse Intervention Services) - Madison, Wisconsin, US

Savannah Theis's Contact Details
(608) 251-4445
DAIS (Domestic Abuse Intervention Services)
Savannah Theis's Company Details
DAIS (Domestic Abuse Intervention Services) logo, DAIS (Domestic Abuse Intervention Services) contact details

DAIS (Domestic Abuse Intervention Services)

Madison, Wisconsin, US • 63 Employees

Since 1977, DAIS has worked passionately and effectively to ensure the safety and well-being of domestic violence survivors and their families, and to change societal attitudes that perpetuate violence and the abuse of power. Our mission is to empower those affected by domestic violence and advocate for social change through support, education and outreach. Our vision is a nonviolent community that actively promotes safety, peace, justice and hope.

Domestic Abuse Intervention Services How To Help Someone Who Might Be A Victim Of Spousal Abuse Encinitas Signs Of Domestic Violence Domestic Abuse Counseling In Madison Wisconsin How To Help Abuse Victims
Details about DAIS (Domestic Abuse Intervention Services)
Frequently Asked Questions about Savannah Theis
Savannah Theis currently works for DAIS (Domestic Abuse Intervention Services).
Savannah Theis's role at DAIS (Domestic Abuse Intervention Services) is Case Manager.
Savannah Theis's email address is *** To view Savannah Theis's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Savannah Theis works in the Non-Profit industry.
Savannah Theis's colleagues at DAIS (Domestic Abuse Intervention Services) are April Homesly, Donna Faulkner, Zach Wood, Shelby Weiland, Susan Maloney, Carolann Nelson, Dawn Sharer and others.
Savannah Theis's phone number is (608) 251-4445
See more information about Savannah Theis