Ä°Å geliÅtirme ve Proje yöneticisi at UTKU ENDÜSTRİ - Elbistan, Kahramanmaras, Turkey
Termik Santral İmalat, Montaj, Reviyon, HES montajı ve revizyon, Doğalgaz Çevrim Santralleri Montajı, Çelik Konstruksiyon İmalatı, Borulama, Tank İmalatı, Gaz Kanalları, Değirmen, Baca Gazı Arıtma Sistemleri, Elektrofiltre, Steaker, Recleamer, Kömür Kazıcı, Kömür Dökücü, Luvo Petekleri İmalatı, Yüksek Basınçlı Boru Kaynağı, Sülfirik Asit Fabrikası, Demir Çelik Fabrikaları.Founded in 2002, Utku industry, mainly in Turkey, a lot of public and private sector, including power plants, industrial plant construction, assembly, production, operation and overhaul work undertaken and successfully completed.Utku Industry As of 2011, together with foreign partners consortia, establishing a large-scale work at home and abroad as well as providing the best possible service to customers proven products and services of companies that offer international standards of service in the framework of the extendedUtku distributorships acquired industrial policy "people first and quality first" philosophy continues to work with point.