Say Say

081757145 at Smart Design - New York, New York, US

Say Say's Contact Details
(212) 807-8150
Smart Design
Say Say's Company Details
Smart Design logo, Smart Design contact details

Smart Design

New York, New York, US • 1046 Employees
Architecture Firm/Engineering Firm

Smart Design is a strategic design company that helps people live better and work smarter. As technology and business become more complex, we humanize products, services and experiences through deep research, insights and design strategies. Founded in 1980, Smart is headquartered in New York, and has clients all over the world.

Human-Centered Design Product Design Services Service Design Experience Agency Design Research Design Strategy Design Thinking Innovation Creativity
Details about Smart Design
Frequently Asked Questions about Say Say
Say Say currently works for Smart Design.
Say Say's role at Smart Design is 081757145.
Say Say's email address is *** To view Say Say's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Say Say works in the Architecture Firm/Engineering Firm industry.
Say Say's colleagues at Smart Design are Emad Zaki, Mohamed El-Noamany, Mai Moustafa, Sameer Sah, Atif Ali, Jean Nishyirembere, Klein Bonne and others.
Say Say's phone number is (212) 807-8150
See more information about Say Say