Product Manager at Dentsu Innovation Studio Inc. - San Francisco, California, United States
DIS's mission is to equip business ventures with the latest technologies, to develop products, services, and experiences that create sustainable, profitable growth for our clients. As a Japanese software development company located in the center of San Francisco, we are uniquely positioned to be able to source and collaborate with both local and international partners. While we are passionate about working on moonshot projects for our clients, we also excel in developing in-house software products to test our own limits. As our core value of DIS, we strongly believe profitable businesses are founded on mutual trust. Thus we pride ourselves to be a trusted partner first, and treat every engagement as a long-term relationship. As you embark on an endeavor with us, we are committed to turn your current ideas into groundbreaking products of tomorrow.電通イノベーションスタジオはサンフランシスコの中心部に位置するソフトウェア開発会社です。私たちはシリコンバレーと日本のパートナーと協業により、新規事業を創造します。私たちは、この動きの早い世の中においては実行こそが力を持つと信じています。開発力を武器に新規事業を構想で終わらせることなく、世の中に届け、成長させて行きます。