Winner of Best Magazine in the 2017 & 2018 Saboteur Awards. Shortlisted for Best Micro Literary Journal in the Broken Pencil Zine Awards 2018."Time, thought, and creativity is brought to each page . . . five out of five stars . . . this literary magazine is outstanding. The combination of quality content, formatting, submission placement and integral artwork left me ecstatic."— Joanne Spencer, The Review Review". . . doesn't try to clean up the rough edges of literature . . . . Every piece pulses with vitality and reminds readers that going into the void is neither a journey of darkness or light, but the unknowable and uncomfortable grey of the in-between." — Cheryl Wollner, NewPagesIncluded in ‘Nine New Lit Mags You Need to Read' as one of "nine new journals that appeared on the scene within the past couple of years and have already made their mark on the literary landscape" in the November/December 2016 Issue of Poets & Writers.Into the Void is an award-winning print, digital and online literary magazine dedicated to providing a platform for fantastic fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual art from all over the world, as well as book, film, and music reviews, interviews, and articles on all things art and culture. We accept work of all styles and strive to publish that which we feel is honest, heartfelt, and screaming to be seen. We adore beautiful and unique styles of writing but clarity is a must. We are committed to giving writers and artists of all experience levels an opportunity–it's all about the work.