Superforecaster, Geopolitics, Epidemiology, Economics at Good Judgment Inc - New York City, New York, US
Managing Director, Government Operations & Superforecaster
Good Judgment Inc seeks to improve forecasting for better decision-making. The company is a commercial spinoff from the Good Judgment Project – the most successful participant in a research program sponsored by IARPA (the intelligence community's equivalent of DARPA) looking for means to improve crowd-sourced geopolitical and economic forecasts for policymakers. Good Judgment offers forecasts from its professional Superforecasters on both subscription and custom bases. We also bring the science of accountable forecasting to public and private sector clients through training workshops, online training programs, and internal forecasting "tournaments." The company's principals include: • Warren Hatch, CEO (; • David Wayrynen, co-founder and CTO (; • Marc Koehler, Vice President (; and • Anna Zeng, CLO ( In addition, CEO Emeritus Terry L. Murray (, Barbara A. Mellers (, and Philip E. Tetlock (, are co-founders and advisors.