SpinLabel Technologies is a licensing company with a patented labeling technology for containers, bottles and cups. Early adopters should contact us and take advantage of the opportunity to differentiate through campaigns that:- Solve a meaningful problem facing the business and/or the decision maker- Foster behavioral changes that support and drive desired outcomes for the business- Reward high value customers, building loyalty to the business, brand and/or serviceWe are aligned with leading global label manufacturers and SpinLabels are available in most major packaging formats.SpinLabel provides a unique label product that enables:- Valuable messaging space on a container, almost 2x current area- Dynamic and flexible marketing platforms, in the hands of current and prospective consumers- Broad range of applications from food products to otc drugs, from nutritional supplements to toys- Links to interactive applications, sites, QR codes, social media/lifestyle connections and other consumer engagement opportunities-Real estate for facts, DFU's, warnings – improving outcomes through improved customer communication- Multi-language labels – reducing SKU's and clutter, reinforcing corporate diversity ethos- Corporate communications, brand stories, product benefits, testimonials and usage suggestions- Cross sell and promotion opportunities Exclusive and non-exclusive category licenses are currently being negotiated. Contact us at bizdev@spinlabels.com.