SHODOR, a 501(c)3 non profit organization serving students and educators, is dedicated to the advancement of science and math education through the use of modeling and simulation technologies – computational science. Our online education tools such as Interactivate and CSERD are the "best of the web" - resources for students, educators, parents, and anyone interested in exploring math and science concepts. In addition to developing these tools, Shodor serves students and educators directly through workshops and other hands-on programs. For students from middle school through undergraduate levels of education, we offer workshops, apprenticeships, internships and off-site programs that explore new approaches to math and science education through computational science. In addition, Shodor partners and works with educators and administrators at schools, colleges, universities and civic organizations offering innovative workshops on using our online tools and incorporating computational science into their curricula or programs. Time and time again, Shodor has been recognized as a national leader and a premier resource in the effective use of computers to improve both math and science education.