Client Engagement and Volunteer Coordinator at Action Housing & Support - Rotherham, ENG, UK
As a social landlord Action puts people and communities at the heart of its business. Working with our local authority partners we provide high quality general needs accommodation, and also have a number of established support services, which enable vulnerable individuals to establish and maintain a home independently. We also bring empty properties back into use to provide much needed affordable housing for local people. Below you can find links to the various different services that Action can provide. Young People's Services: Action provides a personalised approach to housing for young people ensuring that they are able to access the right home at the right time in their life whilst always being mindful of finding different ways to increase confidence and opportunities. Adult Support Services: Action not only provides a safe place for people to live but we also work closely with individuals so that they have every chance of fulfilling their potential and can successfully move on into independent living. Through our Adult Support Services we enable people to gain the skills and confidence to increase future life choices. Domestic Abuse Services: Advice and support is available for anyone experiencing domestic abuse. Seeking help can be difficult for many people; however support is available to meet your individual circumstances and experiences. If you are concerned about the safety of a family member or friend, we can also help you by providing you with information about what to do next.