Creative Services Producer / Videographer at Signature Advertising & Digital Solutions - Memphis, TN, US
The Signature DifferenceOver the years, Signature has built an impressive list of prestigious clients. We take great pride in not only who's on that list, but also how long those clients have stayed with us. Many of our client relationships date back to our first years in business. So, how have we managed to maintain such a prestigious list for so many years? It's quite simple, really. We treat each client and each project as if they're the only one we have. It's an approach that has served us and our clients well.Our Clients' RightsAt Signature, we don't spend a lot of time "educating" the people we work with on how an agency-client relationship should work. Instead, we've come up with a unique proposition: we do what's best for the client every time. We treat our clients the way we'd like to be treated if we had to hire an ad agency.