Automation:Integrated Controls and Information provides turn key Automation systems for industrial environments from Water and Waste Water, Minerals processing, Crushing Plant Automation for Quarries to Power monitoring and control. Our experience in the industrial controls field sets us apart from other. With experience in a wide variety automation products, Integrated Controls and Information can cover just about any automation project. Wireless Communications:Integrated Controls and Information provides Turn Key Industrial Wireless LAN systems based around the Strix systems access one technology. With Strix's proven data transporting ability and Mesh topology it is perfect for Industrial environments even in Mobile fleet environments. The Strix solution is in use around the world in various public safety, industrial, mining, municipal, rapid transit, large enterprise and more. Engineering Consulting:Integrated Controls and Information provides engineering consulting services for engineering of systems in specialty environments, with working knowledge of IEC 61511 and 61508 for control systems in the process industry and IEC 61026 for mobile machinery controls systems.