Since 2010, The Dirty Dash has invited runners to get in touch with their inner swine. Whether participants are sliding down giant slip n' slides or navigating through a bubble-filled inflatable pig, they're having a great time getting fit. The Dirty Dash has more than 200,000 runners in 15 locations across the U.S. and Canada.Color Me Rad was founded in 2012 by the same team, and has events in more than 130 locations around the world. Participants begin with a white t-shirt and end up looking like a kindergarten art class gone oh-so-right at the end of the five kilometer course. Inspired by the Holi festival of India, Color Me Rad is an excuse to let loose. More than a million people have participated in Color Me Rad, and "Get Out There Magazine" has named it "Best Color Run" in a Reader's Choice