Mission :SEAMEO RIHED's mission is to foster efficiency, effectiveness, and harmonization of higher education in Southeast Asia through system research, empowerment, collaboration and development of mechanisms to facilitate sharing in higher education.Vision :A dynamic, strategic, and internationally recognised regional centre for promoting understanding, collaboration, and synergy in higher education for regional development.Organisation :SEAMEO RIHED is the South-East Asian Ministers of Education Organization Centre specializing in higher education development. It is hosted by the Thai Government, located at the fifth floor of the Office of the Higher Education Commission building, Ministry of Education in Bangkok, Thailand.The SEAMEO RIHED Governing Board is the main policy making body of the Centre. The Governing Board comprises one representative from each SEAMEO Member Country, with the exception of Timor Leste. The Board is responsible for operational policies, strategic planning, annual evaluation and review of the Centre's programmes and budget within the framework of its approved five-year development plan. The SEAMEO Secretariat Director and the SEAMEO RIHED Director serve as ex-officio members to the Board.The Centre is headed by a Director who is nominated by the Minister of Education of Thailand and approved by the Governing Board, and formally appointed by the President of the Council. The operation is carried out by qualified staff working in collaboration with partners in member countries and other national and international organizations.