Who we are:In 1981, Robert Crownover, a successful Georgia-born entrepreneur, his brother, and a close friend combined their resources to create a factory for the manufacture of organic asphalt felt. The original factory in Griffin, GA was a small plant with a single production line making quality felt for the Georgia Pacific corporation. As Woodland's reputation for quality and manufacturing innovation became known throughout the southeast United States, Woodland Industries increased factory capacity and began selling to other roofing and building supply distributors and wholesalers. Through continued hard work, focus, and perseverance; Woodland Industries has grown their facilities to accommodate the market expansion. The Woodland 'footprint' is now a cutting-edge facility -- three production lines spread over multiple buildings, a shipping and receiving department, office building, and a lean warehouse.Today, Woodland Industries is led by second generation President, Casey Crownover. Casey, like her father before her, embodies the entrepreneurial spirit and will continue to strive to provide the highest quality of roofing underlayment with as little impact to our environment as possible.Our Green Mission: Woodland has always been green conscientious – adding clean air scrubbers beyond the industry requirements, converting to 100% post-consumer recycled paper materials, and recycling waste products throughout the factory and office. Today, Woodland is encouraging cradle-to-cradle recycling of all products, continuing to source the most environmentally available raw materials, and operate our facilities using renewable energy. Woodland is a proud member of the United States Green Building Council and urges each of their customers to pursue the goals of LEED® sustainable buildings in their respective neighborhood.