Since 1985, Landmark West!, an award-winning non-profit, has worked to achieve landmark status for individual buildings and historic districts on the Upper West Side.LW! is the proud curator of nearly 3,500 designated architectural and cultural landmarks from 59th to 110th Streets, Central Park to Riverside Park. We are dedicated to building community and promoting awareness of our neighborhood's special character.As the grassroots voice for historic preservation, we pursue a broad range of community activities, including:- Special events and public programs including walking tours, lectures, workshops, and community gatherings;- Advocacy to protect important places on the Upper West Side;- Online resources including maps, photographs, and copies of public testimony;- Keeping the Past for the Future, our school-based education program, designed to strengthen young people's sense of engagement, ownership, and responsibility toward their community through learning about the built environment;- Certificate of Appropriateness Committee involving community residents, architects, historians, preservationists, and other volunteers who meet regularly to review applications submitted to the Landmarks Preservation Commission for permits to work on landmark properties;- Retail Assistance Program helping businesses and commercial property owners maintain and renovate their storefronts in keeping with the special character of the neighborhood.