FFR Trading was originally created for our own investment purposes, to uncover high-quality investment strategies. Years ago when we were new to trading and investing, we tried to find successful investment strategies that actually worked in the real world. What we quickly discovered is that without the right tools and knowledge, finding a trading strategy that consistently performed well is nearly impossible. As our search for the Holy Grail continued, we soon realized there wasn't one. However, we were able to develop a reliable 8-step certification process, with built-in checks and balances, for evaluating any investment strategy.It is our position that everyone who trades and invests should have some ability to make educated market decisions. We pride ourselves on developing a team of committed and qualified support and honest, experienced traders. We strive for a positive work environment centered around growth, research, and collaboration. Just like having a strong strategy, it is equally important to have a supportive team.For more information and full disclosures, please visit our website at http://www.FFRTrading.com/