Founded in 1997Across the United States Concierge have developed associations to network amongst themselves and their communities. These associations were inspired by Les Clef d'Or which is an international organization which is dedicated towards the development of the professional Concierge. The Southern Florida Concierge Association, founded 1987, was the first Concierge association in this region of Florida. The number of luxury hotels began to grow in Palm Beach County along with the number of Concierge so in 1997 the Concierge Association of the Palm Beaches was created. Following tradition, the purpose of the Concierge Association of the Palm Beaches is to:• Network, share common concerns and find solutions with colleagues whom we know, respect and trust.• Develop the professionalism of our members through educational programs, meetings and newsletters.• Become an active and supportive voice in Palm Beach County and the State of Florida hospitality Industry.• Create a better understanding of the role of professional Concierge through public relations.• Nurture relationships with businesses and Cultural Institutions.• Promote the interest and welfare of our hotels, resorts, condominiums, properties and develop the best service for our guest.Throughout the years there have been several changes in the hospitality industry but the spirit, passion and impact of the Concierge continues.