Inspired by nature, enchanted by history and crafted by hand. Founded in 1996, and rooted in the rich heritage of the Indian subcontinent and Asia, Good Earth captures the essence of Indian style through unique design stories, thoughtful in design and considerate of the environment. Committed to reviving traditional crafts in a meaningful and relevant way, Good Earth promotes a new definition of luxury—one that is both sustainable and Indian. Each year, we create a Design Collection that tells the story of a particular tradition or culture through Good Earth’s eyes. The collections focus on the revival and refinement of traditional crafts in a contemporary context. Through each offering and story, Good Earth strives to build a cultural legacy of sustainable luxury through designs that elevate cottage crafts, innovate with natural dyes, and keep traditions alive for future generations. Good Earth’s products are available in our shops across India and on our Web Boutique for our global audience.