The philosophy behind the SIRON Dry Deluge Test is that crucial firefighting safety systems need to be in top condition. Deluge systems are, because of their nature crucial in case of fire. Crucial in containing a fire and crucial in keeping escape routes safe. By maintaining these safety systems in top condition, these systems can do what they are designed for: saving lives.With Dry Deluge Testing, the on-site operability of the firefighting systems will be enhanced. Thus, the on-site safety will be increased, such that our technology will sooner or later be saving lives.That is why we are this proud of bringing our technology to the globe. Our staff is fully Safe Gulf, TWIC, VCA, GWO, BOSIET, FOET and HUET trained for commissioning, maintenance and support. SIRON is proud of the NEN-EN-ISO 9001 & OHSAS 18001 certification it received from DNV-GL.