Teacher at Bal Anand Worldchildren Welfare Trust India (Bal Anand WWTI) - Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Worldchildren Welfare Trust India (WWTI) came into existence in 1984, with the objective of establishing residential homes to receive orphaned, abandoned, relinquished destitute children, Aging from 0-6 years and rehabilitate them by the way of adoption. The Right to a Family is the birthright of each and every child, but some children have lost this right due to the harsh realities of their lives and society in India. For them adoption is the best option. Towards achieving this goal, the first residential Children's Home Bal Anand Worldchildren Welfare Trust India (Bal Anand WWTI), was set up in 1984, Bal Ashraya, Nagpur (1987), & Bal Uday, Bhandara (1995). Through these three Centres, we have placed almost 2000 children with loving, caring families. Bal Anand WWTI has completed nearly 30 years of dedicated service to children & is responsible for over 1300 adoptions. We are licensed, starting with being registered under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950, Orphanages and other Charitable Homes Supervision and Control Act 1960, Juvenile Justice (for care and protection of children) Act 2000, recognized for both in-country and inter-country adoption. The Women and Child Development Department, State Government of Maharashtra, and the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) in New Delhi play a key role in the work of adoption as they are the licensing authorities. We work closely with the Child Welfare Committee and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs).