The International Cantonese Union is a student organization at the University of Toronto, St. George campus founded in 2014. By hosting a variety of social and academic events, we hope to serve students who are of Cantonese background or are interested in learning about the Cantonese culture. Our core value is to build an environment that allows member to feel supported, connected, and most importantly, belonged.新粵同學會是多倫多大學downtown主校區2014年創立的學生社團。我們每年會在校內校外舉辦各種好玩有趣的活動,讓同學們在釋放學業壓力之餘更好地了解粵語以及廣府文化。通過參加我們的活動,你可以認識到一班一齊打機宵夜的好基友,一齊吹水八卦的好閨蜜,甚至是像4P那樣的帥到沒朋友的未來superstar!無論你只是想"單純"地認識更多的canto靚仔靚女,還是對粵語文化有興趣想要學習廣東話,我們都拍曬手掌歡迎你的加入!新粵同學會,唔join你就走寶啦!!!!