Research Assistant at Hacettepe University Department of Pharmaceutical Technology - Ankara, Ankara Province, Turkey
There are 8 graduate education programs in our Department;• Pharmaceutical Technology Doctorate, Master's Degree (Thesis and Non-Thesis)• Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics Doctorate, Master's Degree (Thesis and Non-Thesis)• Cosmetology Master's Degree (Thesis and Non-Thesis)Currently, there are 10 Professors, 3 Asst. Professor, 1 Instructor, 6 Research Assistants and 1 Postdoctoral Researcher in our department and 54 graduate students are registered to the fore-mentioned programs in fall semester 2018-2019.14 PhD students are supported by "100/2000 Doctoral Scholarship Program" under the governance of The Turkish Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and 3 PhD students are supported by 2244 "Industry Doctorate Scholarship Programme" under the governance of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK). There is also 1 PhD student is recipient of grant from 2211/A "National Scholarship Programme" and 1 PhD student is supported by 2211/C "National Scholarship Programme (Priority Areas)" from TÜBİTAK.In addition, TUBİTAK 1004 Excellence Center Program is carried out by academic members in our department.