We have decades of experience helping schools close the achievement gap. Our work is transformative because we provide attention to helping leaders and teachers build stronger relationships with students, families, and those in a student's network of care. To raise compassionate children we must lead and teach with love and compassion. Our core values of Trust, Collaboration, Diversity, and Innovation fuel our efforts. We help schools implement culturally relevant content and pedagogy to create equitable learning spaces.Partner With Legacy (PWL) helps districts, schools, and organizations articulate strategic action plans that include a shared vision, a theory of learning, and opportunities to celebrate learning. For a decade we have worked to transform Principals, Assistant Principals, Instructional Coaches and Teachers into strong Instructional Leaders. We equip school leaders and educators with the confidence and skills needed to become critically reflective practitioners, who demonstrate effectiveness based on student achievement data. At PWL, we believe that school leaders and teachers must be effective and affective in their work. Moreover, we understand that today's schools must change to reflect learning goals that are culturally responsive and sustainable to ensure that each and every student become life-long learners and are prepared to enter college and / or the workforce with skills that meet the demands of the 21st century. Our work is aligned to My Brother's Keeper Initiative because we purposefully connect social emotional learning with academics outcomes with mathematics as the centerpiece. Our theory of learning–Mathematics is Language–is a proven lever for helping schools close the achievement gap in mathematics and increase graduation outcomes. #PartnerWithLegacy