We are a Singapore-based Location big data and Mobile backend as a service (MBaaS) company. We offer OEM/ODM mobile travel apps and backend services to B2B clients including government institutions, tourism boards, Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs), financial services institutions (credit card companies/ banks), airlines and publishers.Our service utilizes our "TravelDoor"'s technology, which consolidates necessary information and services needed for travelling, into a simple and easy-to-use format for corporations.As an MBaaS provider, we help clients in the areas of location technology, big data analysis, and offline map and navigation technology etc.[Keyword]B2B, Location Based Services, Big Data, Marketing, Machine learning, MBaaS, Travel[Locations]We operate in 4 locations: Singapore headquarters, Taiyuan/ China (Development), Ho Chi Minh/ Vietnam (Development), and Tokyo/ Japan.