Chief Technology Officer (India) & Technical Architect at adappt Technology Partners - , N/A, UK
The Adappt rapid development mobile data display and data capture platform powers iPhone and Android apps for a range of organisations including The World Health Organisation, PwC, Caerphilly Council, KPMG, BBVA and many moreThe adappt situation room platform powers the Malaria Situation Room (WHO)adappt strives for excellence, backed up with both track record and qualifications, including agile certified project managers, ISO9001:2015 and ISO27001:2013 certification.adappt are technology partners, approved support partners and resellers of Curation Corporation Dashboard platform, providing realtime dashboard information, counter party risk alerts and market insight for banks and investment houses. Core skills: • Cloud and Distributed Computing• Statistical Analysis and Data Mining• Web Architecture and Development Framework• Middleware and Integration Software• User Interface Design• Network and Information Security• Mobile Development• Data PresentationMobile Technologies• Swift (IOS)• Java (Android)• Cordova (HTML5 hybrid)• React-native• Ionic (AngularJS based mobile HTML5 Hybrid)SaaS technologies• NodeJS• .NET• Drupal• Java• Kentico• Hybris• GWTFrontend Technologies• HTML5• AngularJS• D3.js• ReactJSAI Technologies• Tensorflow• Theano• CNTK• KerasDataStore Technologies• MSSQL• MYSQL• Apache SOLR• ElasticSearch• NEO4J• MongoDBRealtime Charting Libraries• D3.js (inc geojson mapping)• Highcharts• ChartJS• Chartist.js• n3-charts• FlotCrypto Currencies• Sentiment monitoring• Etheruem miners• Solidity / ICO