Carolinas IT, Inc. is a professional technology services firm based in Raleigh, North Carolina. Founded in 1996, the Company provides on demand computer networking infrastructure and support to business clients. We partner with organizations to guide and support them in the use of technology to meet their business objectives. Our flexible catalog of offerings ranges from a cloud based, fully outsourced and managed network, to on-call, on-site support on an as-needed basis. Simply stated, CIT designs, implements, and supports business computer networking systems. We serve hundreds of clients in the following ways: - Private Cloud Implementation and Hosting - Provision, hosting, support and sale of cloud based virtual applications, servers, desktops and data storage. - Managed IT Services - Network administration, monitoring, day to day support and management. - Advanced Technology Solutions - server virtualization, storage area networks, Voice over IP phone systems and unified communications, network upgrades, and troubleshooting. - Data Center and Virtualization - 24/7 Help Desk and End User Support - Healthcare and Regulated Environment Expertise