C.E.O. / Chief Innovation Officer / Co-Founder of "Universe H.T." at Universe H.T - Moscow, , Russia
We ("Universe H.T.") have created for YOU "The 3Dpx-HTML-Virtual Matter",so that to make,with YOU Together, The 3Dpx's 4D-Internet [NO plug-in(s)] , by a kind of "Our 3Dpx-web Virtual Printer"!)......"If YOU aren't THE ONE of FIRSTS in 4D-Internet [NO plug-in(s)] , you'll stay one of the lasts in 2D-internet !"......("Only Universe has made💎Better") -www.universeht.com- in I.T.,"HTML-V.R" Technology-(Coded 3D-buttons-hyperlinks and programmable 3Dpx objects)-THE WORLDWIDE INTRODUCTION of ALL OUR "KNOW-HOW"(s) (include The Virtual P.C.-"Terminal" Etc.)🙂We're The Inventors of "3Dpx-HTML-V.R" Technology-(Coded 3D-buttons-hyperlinks and programmable 3Dpx objects).we are READY (step-by-step) to BUILD UP - our 4D(3Dpx's)-INTERNET,by OURSELVES...🙂N.B."WE are FASTER , SMALLER , SIMPLER and more RELIABLE than JQuery ~ in 100 times !"