At CircleTek, we work closely with our clients to create desktop software, mobile and web applications to fill very specific needs. A great program will streamline tasks to ensure a business operates with maximum efficiency, has growing sales and can manage that growth.When we first met, Allan was running a growing property management company using spreadsheets, a Microsoft calendar and a number of other programs. There was so much going on that despite his 7 employees, Allan spent every evening try to get grips with where things were heading and what had been accomplished.Today, Allan has his business in one CircleTek solution which manages tasks, stores data, displays reminders, links documents and even allows employees to chat with each-other. With the click of a mouse, in the office and on the go, Allan can see exactly which tasks have been completed and what is outstanding. He can check invoices have been sent properly and will alert employees of their upcoming appraisal. Take your business up a notch; drop us an email today;