Neuropathic pain arises as a direct consequence of a lesion or disease affecting the somatosensory nervous system. Patients suffer from hyperalgesia, an increased sensitivity to non-painful stimuli such a few hairs brushing against their skin (allodynia). Hyperalgesia causes a burning or prickling sensation (paresthesia), or shooting, stabbing, electric shock-like pain – episodic or continuous. Neuropathic pain may persist for months and years after nerve injury. It affects over 560 million people worldwide and 100 million adults each year in the U.S. Examples include, but are not limited to, phantom limb pain in amputees, lumbar (back) pain with radiculopathy, diabetic neuropathy, shingles, and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). E.g., there are 12 million cases of back pain per year in the U.S. alone. Releviate Therapeutics is addressing unmet needs in Chronic Pain. Current treatments are largely based on suppressing inflammation using steroids, anti-depressants and anti-seizure drugs that cause unwanted drug side-effects, or drugs that lead to addiction, such as opioids. We offer first-in-class antibodies, the development of which is rooted in actual pain pathology and directly inactivating pain pathways. Releviate directly targets pain.There are two major products: RLVT-9-01 (anti-MMP-9 antibody) and RLVT-14-02 (anti-MMP-14 antibody). RLVT-9-01 targets MMP-9, which recent discoveries implicate as a switch that turns on acute neuropathic pain. RLVT-14-02 targets MMP-14, which has been implicated in triggering chronic neuropathic pain.