driver at NDL Software Limited – Application Integration and Mobile Working - Wetherby, ENG, UK
Managing Director - application integration and mobile working software tools for large organisation
Robotic Process Automation, Mobile Working and eForm ToolkitsNDL helps public sector organisations to deliver better services and reduce costs. Our specialisation is application integration and mobile working. Integration: driving value, enabling channel shift and eliminating wasteThe public sector is under huge pressure to cut costs by changing the way it works. Integration has moved to the top of the agenda to support this: in particular, to underpin the shift to online interactions with automatic updating of back-office systems, or to join systems together to reduce or even eliminate wasteful and expensive re-keying of data. Find out how NDL have delivered significant savings and measureable efficiencies for many organisations throughout the UK. Email working: delivering unprecedented benefits for the public sectorMobile working offers the greatest opportunity to change the way we work since the advent of the PC. It can generate enormous benefits for organisations and workers across the public sector, with the potential for exceptional ROI. It enables our customers to turn their business systems into mobile applications. Find out how we're delivering better customer services, reducing data entry, travel, overheads and office space, and underpinning significant improvements in data quality thro' mobile working. Email the growing library of case studies at our App Showcase to see the extensive list of app templates our comprehensive Public Sector Research MAKES NDL SPECIAL?• 30-year pedigree• 150+ public sector clients• 500+ member user group• 50 UK-based staff • A focus on Customer Relations• Investment to help clients realise benefits and fast ROI• Commitment to our Partner Programme To find out how we can help your organisation:Visit our website: or call 01937 543500