Serhat Sadi

Otomasyon ve Kontrol Sistemleri at Uzer Makina - İzmit, Kocaeli, Turkey

Serhat Sadi's Contact Details
+90 (262) 351 31 84
Uzer Makina
Serhat Sadi's Company Details
Uzer Makina logo, Uzer Makina contact details

Uzer Makina

İzmit, Kocaeli, Turkey • 99 Employees

Uzer Makina, Turkey's premier tire curing press and tire mold manufacturer, is mainly focused on tire curing processes, including tire curing presses, container mechanisms and tire molds since last 30 years. Uzer Makina has continuously invested millions of dollars in state-of-the-art technology, new and improved operating systems and dynamic, highly qualified and experienced personnel. The company applies total quality management for its production base in Izmit and has ISO 9001 certificate since 2002. Uzer Makina produces the tire curing molds, containers and presses at the same time under the same roof.

Details about Uzer Makina
Frequently Asked Questions about Serhat Sadi
Serhat Sadi currently works for Uzer Makina.
Serhat Sadi's role at Uzer Makina is Otomasyon ve Kontrol Sistemleri.
Serhat Sadi's email address is *** To view Serhat Sadi's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Serhat Sadi works in the Automotive industry.
Serhat Sadi's colleagues at Uzer Makina are Evren Hormetli, Mehmet Obuz, Omer Diner, Erkan1976 Erkan, Gozdenur Ormanci, Efe Gezmisoglu, Ozcan Zeyren and others.
Serhat Sadi's phone number is +90 (262) 351 31 84
See more information about Serhat Sadi