Executive Recruiter - DX, Big Data & Analytics, Digital Sales, Marketing, Ad Ops
Global Recruiters® Network, Inc.(GRN) is an expanding network dedicated to connecting high-quality companies with high-quality talent to advance in both business and career goals. Each of our offices specialize in a variety of disciplines, industries, and geographies, giving us breadth and depth to support your business's need for true top talent around the world. GRN is committed to developing long-term strategic alliances with clients, companies, and candidates alike, and we strictly adhere to our guiding principles of honesty, integrity, and confidentiality. Our goal is to be the leader in professional transition; to offer world-class permanent placement services by matching leading companies with superior performing talent, under the most demanding of deadlines, who will each meet and exceed expectations. How can we help you? ‣ Are you a company ready to hire top talent for your business? ‣‣ Visit "www.grncorp.com/candidate/expertise.aspx" to connect with a GRN office who has expertise aligned with your needs ‣ Are you a professional, ready to explore new opportunities in the marketplace? ‣‣ Stop by "www.grnmatch.com" to connect with a GRN professional who specializes in your field ‣ Do you have entrepreneurial aspirations and a drive towards new business opportunities? ‣‣ Explore the possibilities at "www.grncorp.net"