Resource-View is a site dedicated to discussing and examining resource management resources across the web. As small business owners, it can get exhausting trying out all the project and resource management programs out there and trying to figure out which one is best.Resource management isn't just about knowing what everyone on your staff is doing – it's about using what you have to the maximum. If your employees or contractors don't have any idea what they're supposed to be doing and you don't know what they're working on/how long they're working on it, you're going to find hang-ups, confusions and missed deadlines are a part of your work landscape. And who wants that?The right resource management and planning comes from working with a company you can trust. When you use the cloud to manage resources, you give employees all over the world easy access to a website where they can centrally log in and keep hours. Managing tasks and contractors doesn't get much easier than this.We've partnered with one of our favorite resource management websites to offer you a special incentive for using their software. Below is a video where you can find out more about their trial and information. Now is a better time than ever to take advantage of a cloud system that actually lets you get things done for your business, more quickly and efficiently than anything else on the market.