Battal Shipping specialises in the maritime services with nautical and technical knowhow, versatile experience, detailed expertise in the maritime industry, specific knowledge about various types of cargo and an accurate insight into the needs of today's shipping.Battal Shipping is one of the major maritime icons providing service excellence since 1978 with a traffic volume exceeding thousand port calls, and over thousand wet and dry cargo fixtures annually. Battal Shipping offers a full range of shipping services for ship owners, operators, traders and charterers who span various market segments, vessels and asset types.Shipping has been part of our core business since establishment. We have worked for commodity traders and industrial customers on the cargo side as well as ship owners ever since we were founded. Our strength in this business segment lies in our long-established relationships with all market participants.With its offices, subsidiaries, and partner companies located worldwide Battal Shipping offers tailor-made solutions for its customers. Moreover, our membership of all the important associations enables us to effectively represent our customers interests, Major industrial companies and ship-owners have relied on our shipping services for over 30 years.