Academic Pot is an early-stage startup aiming to bridge the gaps in Indian Academia and bring the research world closer to the public, especially related to foundational sciences through science communication, sharing opportunities (with InVolMEnt), and developing hands-on products to support inquisitiveness and facilitate the conversion of ideas into actions at all educational levels irrespective of the background.We are building a new age edu-space celebrating open collaborations and practical learning with accessible resources for all. We are here to guide you through the ins and outs of the educational process with stories and insights, and help you become more curious in your learning voyage.We hope that Academic Pot will become your favourite platform for learning new things, sharing interesting opportunities and keeping the flame of curiosity alive. Our team is fascinated by new and thrilling facts that truly amaze us, and it has always excited us to know that there are more who feel the same way.Begin your learning journey — and become one of us!Join our Discord Cohort - us out at