MVA is an electrical engineering firm located in London, Ontario Canada which specializes in Power Distribution Systems and Power System Analysis. Our work with Design and Maintenance provides the practical and hands-on experience to strengthen our technical services. We have provided high-caliber engineering services to clients in industry and the commercial sector, as well as the Government of Canada, the Government of Ontario, regional and crown corporations, and municipal governments. Contained herein is a description of MVA, our vision, our experience, and our people.MVA's consistent performance is due to our commitment to our core values; we are a relationship based company; and people are our greatest assets. Since 1995 MVA Engineering has been involved in providing professional engineering services in the traditional client project design tender format. As MVA matured in this role, we have seen the natural progression is to move into a design, build, and operate role with an emphasis on the traditional and renewable energy sectors. MVA is continually seeking such opportunities.