Current manual lab-testing processes for supercapacitor & battery ageing involves charging and discharging cells until they reach max degradation. This can take 3 months -2 years and significantly slows down production and impacts R&D trajectories to stunt development and commercialization of supercapacitors & batteries.Voltx provides a machine learning product to predict lifetime using previous test data from companies. As a result we can accelerate testing processes by 85-96%. For example, instead of taking 3 months to age-test a batch of supercapacitors, it will take less than 3 days.This enables less labour hours/cost and enable manufacturers to commercialize more supercapacitors/year to be used as an energy storage system. Our technology can also be applied to the R&D section at supercapacitor companies which can be a catalyst to identify new energy storage breakthroughs, in turn improving systems.