OLOMOPOLO Media is a media and art management and entertainment organization that aims to bring back quality entertainment in all possible forms to the society. Our audience consists of a range of age groups and backgrounds. Our main focus is on art, media and culture, and our services are various. OLOMOPOLO manages workflows of productions, be it television, film, theatre, photo shoots or advertisements, as part of its business from start to finish. The company also arranges and collaborates with experts on capacity building of the youth through various workshops and activities. Most workshops are directed towards performance arts and film related topics. The main idea backing OLOMOPOLO is the need to bring back other forms of entertainment to the society and bring back ownership of our culture. It is our need to tell stories that drives us. In addition to that, the organization also wants to pay tribute to the icons and legends from past and present and hope to give way to newer icons to grow. OLOMOPOLO has four creative brands under its umbrella: - The OLO Factree – skill building workshops and classes for performing arts and for other mediums of art - OLO TATOLO – children's weekly Sunday activities of arts and crafts, music and story telling - The OLO Junction – all the theatrical, dance and cultural interactive performances like dramatic readings, film screenings, musical performances etc. - OLO Art Jamaat – Regular art, multi-discipline design, yoga and dance classes for youths and adults Email: olo@olomopolo.com