Shahid Zafar

Assistant Manager at ADG-LDI (formerly DV Com-LDI) - Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Shahid Zafar's Contact Details
ADG-LDI (formerly DV Com-LDI)
Shahid Zafar's Company Details
ADG-LDI (formerly DV Com-LDI) logo, ADG-LDI (formerly DV Com-LDI) contact details

ADG-LDI (formerly DV Com-LDI)

Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan • 36 Employees

Initially the company was part of DVCOM (Pvt.) Ltd. Company engaged to provide telecommunication services like WLL, Long Distance Interconnectivity (LDI), and pay phone etc. However company split the business of LDI to newly incorporated company namely DVCOM-LDI (Pvt.) Ltd and Dollar East Group took over the control of the company and purchased 100% shareholding. Now license granted by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) to provide LDI services also transferred to DVCOM-LDI (Pvt.) Ltd. The company wholesale provides nation-wide long distance and international voice transport services to leading international carriers.

Details about ADG-LDI (formerly DV Com-LDI)
Frequently Asked Questions about Shahid Zafar
Shahid Zafar currently works for ADG-LDI (formerly DV Com-LDI).
Shahid Zafar's role at ADG-LDI (formerly DV Com-LDI) is Assistant Manager.
Shahid Zafar's email address is *** To view Shahid Zafar's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Shahid Zafar works in the Telecommunications industry.
Shahid Zafar's colleagues at ADG-LDI (formerly DV Com-LDI) are Muhammad Mirza, Zain Abbas, Kiran Bilal, Shahid Saleem, Hammad Jilani, Mumtaz Hassan, Ijaz Ali and others.
Shahid Zafar's phone number is
See more information about Shahid Zafar