Style Cart is a ladies' dress manufacturer company. We manufacture and sell a wide variety of ladies' dresses wholesale and retail. Moreover, we carry bulk orders for the customer of any type of fashion item.Here is the short profile of STYLECART:Name: STYLECARTAddress: Kamrangirchar, Dhaka-1211.Mobile: +8801618881216, +8801884306357E-mail: shahinkhanmsc@gmail.comWebsite: page: on: December 2016Payment Method: Cash on delivery, B-kash, Rocket, SureCash, Debit / Credit Card (only for retail).Delivery System: By Courier and own staff (only for retail).Delivery Time: Within 24 to 48 hours for inside Dhaka city, 48 to 72 hours for outside Dhaka city (only for retail).Quality Control: Stylecart directly produce or collect the product from manufacturer or importer. Then we check all the product our-self before delivery to the customer. Any merchant cannot sell any product directly using our site. If they want, they can sell their products through us. This is only for maintaining quality.Return Policy: If any customer finds any manufacturing fault and they inform us within 24 hours after received, we will change it with our own cost or return money if the product is not available (only for retail).